
Nestled on the side of the mountain and overlooking the valley around Arezzo, Hotel Badia di Pomaio was designed to uplift our guests and give them the opportunity to relax and recharge in complete harmony with nature.

As the process of renovation was about to begin, in 2017, one thing became clear to all involved: the beauty and uniqueness of Badia di Pomaio rested firmly on two cornerstones – its centuries-long history and its deep connection to the environment. Rebirth would be impossible without respect for what came before and what surrounded us.

It was from that moment – from the very beginning – that environmental sustainability became one of our core values.

There is still a long way to go for humanity to reach perfect environmental sustainability and many things we still must do to save our planet. At Badia di Pomaio, we believe that every contribution and every action, no matter how small, can make the difference in the great scheme of things.

As this project was just beginning, we set out to achieve three things: give our guests the best experience possible, our staff a healthy work environment and Earth, our home, a helping hand.

A few years have gone by, but we still do our best every day to keep our promise.