As Badia di Pomaio was about to take its first steps into the world of hospitality, it became clear to all of us that one of the most important things this project could achieve was to become a safe haven not just for people, but for animals as well.

Our three cats – Gregorio, Arcibaldo and Leopoldo – have been with us since the beginning, becoming something like mascots to us and to our guests, but we have adopted quite a few more animals in the past months. Our bio, sustainable farm has become home to three goats named Bianca, Viola and Giuggiola, saving them from the butcher (and with more to come soon!) and to almost fifty chickens, belonging to many different breeds. We have Sumatra chickens, an Indonesian ornamental breed; Dutch Bantam chickens; the giant Brahma chickens; the Italian breeds of Mugellese and Livornese; and many more.

Not far from the farm, tucked in a quiet corner concealed by vegetation, we built the beehives. We are deeply aware of the environmental importance and of the uncertain future of bees: for these reasons, we are proud to do our part in protecting their lives and their habitats.

These animals are not raised for the table. They provide fresh milk, free-range eggs and organic honey for the kitchen, but we consider them beloved pets, just like our cats.

If guests wish to, they can experience the life of a typical Tuscan farmer. They can meet the animals, get to know them and learn how to take care of them: how to prepare their food, feed them and change their hay. We also offer lessons on how to milk the goats and on how to prepare fresh cheese.

Of course, for those who are not in love with the idea of a bucolic life, our cats are always ready and willing to be spoiled. Either way, we believe there’s nothing better than caring for these innocent creatures to recharge and feel truly at peace.