The authentic Mediterranean flavor

One of the most enchanting aspects of Tuscan landescape is the endless lines of olive trees dotting the countryside. Their gnarled trunks and twisted branches reaching towards the sky lend the territory a wild and otherwordly beauty.

Beside being a charming addition to our landscape, olive trees are also an inseparable part of our culture and heritage, as much as they are an essential source of livelihood. In fact, cultivation of these trees can be traced back thousand of years, to Etruscan and Roman times.

Today, olive oil is the king of the mediterranean diet: not just a condiment, but rather a food for all intents and purposes, one known all over the world for its beneficial and protective properties.
Badia di Pomaio is the proud owner of over 300 olive trees.

The olive grove is another staple of our vision of environmental sustainability. Olive trees are well-adapted to the favourable climate and fertile soil of Tuscany. They don’t require much human intervention in general, but especially when it comes to water, allowing us to preserve our groundwater reserves.

In late spring and early summer, the branches fill with small, white flowers that whisper gently in the breeze. The flowers make space for the first fruits around the middle of June, but it’s not until the end of October that the olives are ready to be picked. It’s then that their distinctively bittersweet aroma spreads through the air.

We normally lay down our harvesting nets after the end of the turistic season. With the olives we pick, we produce the bio olive oil that the restaurant uses during the opening months.