How old is Badia di Pomaio? The true origins of this building are still an enigma, even today, but we know that it’s far older than what the official history would’ve us think. In 2019, during the renovation, we unearthed hidden walls and caved-in tunnels, traces of a life almost erased by time. It’s quite probable that this place was actually built during the Middle Ages.


The history of Badia di Pomaio officially starts in the 17th century, more precisely in 1645, when two monks of the Vallombrosani order founded the monastery. Under their guide, Badia di Pomaio became not only an agricultural and religious centre, but also a point of reference for the citizens of Arezzo.

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever and the monastery was abandoned an undetermined amount of time later. Slowly but surely, nature took over again, covering the traces of human passage and hiding the stones of the building under a thick layer of ivy. It wouldn’t be until 2019 that the ethereal beauty of this place would once again be revealed to the world with the official opening of Boutique Hotel Badia di Pomaio.