Explore the hidden beauties of Tuscany

From its rolling hills and endless fields of golden wheats to its ancient hamlets and hidden lakes, Tuscany has more than its fair share of natural wonders to explore. Luckily for us, Badia di Pomaio happens to be situated right in the heart of this magnificent region!

Step out of the hotel and let the woods seclude you from the rest of the world. Civilization has taught us to fear loneliness, but here, underneath the vibrant domes of green leaves, it will become a way of self-rediscovery.

Surrounded by nature

You will find no buildings or even real roads in the forest – only dirt paths, leading you to the heart of wilderness. The chirping of birds and the gentle gurgling of the streams will provide all the music you need.

The reward at the end of the trekking will be spectacular: not just because of the incredible view or the peacefulness of nature, but most importantly for the feeling of accomplishment and personal satisfaction. Numerous trails branch off from the hotel, some easier than others.

You can explore the woods, hike to the top of the mountain or even walk all the way down to the city. Regardless of your level of expertise, whether you’re a beginner or an expert hiker, we prepared maps of several tracks you can explore.